The 4+1 View Model

Hi, today’s blog entry is going to talk about 2 videos and one article called The Elephant and the Blind Programmers, by Grady Booch. The first video was about de 4+1 view, while the was more related to the article as both explains the Elephant and blind programmers’ case.

In the case of the 4+1 view, there are five main aspects to consider:

1.    Logical view: It’s the logical software’s design and what components will be made and how the should behave. Class diagram.
2.    Development view: It’s concerned with the organization during development and the interaction between the program and its components. Component diagram.
3.    Process view: Activity Diagram, it includes de concurrency and synchronized aspects, and also how the program functions.
4.    Physical view: It’s how the software and hardware are related and their interaction, how the system looks like when finished. Deployment diagram.
5.    Use Case view: It’s how the system interacts with the world, customers, and systems around. It is basically how the system must behave.

Then there’s the second video and the article, which talks about the elephant and the blind programmer’s case. Basically, there was a new large, noisy, smelly thing, and the blind programmers wanted to examine the beast and guess with their minds and reason by touching the creature. In the end, they argued about what they perceived about the creature and the problem was that they were both right and wrong since each one inspected a different part or in a different way the animal. There were different perspectives. What this metaphor is trying to explain is an example of the 4+1 view model, telling us that we have to consider all the perspectives in order to get all the right characteristics and by joining them, we get the complete object we’re analyzing.

I liked this one, because it gave us a clear and funny example that helped us to understand better the main concept.


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